Meat a Meatwaver: Mike

It's obvious I love to grill and barbecue, but it means little to me if I can't share the foods I make. I created The Meatwave mostly to have a time to get together with friends and make news ones, while collectively enjoying some meat, of course. So it seems right that this blog expand past waves of meat alone to let you know a little more about The Meatwavers that enjoy these barbecues. This week fittingly starts with Mike, who (besides Kris) has the best Meatwave attendance record, easily eating more of the meat than any others past or present.
Mike (aka) Schnapp, Schnappzilla, Schnapp-crackle-pop
Policy Analyst/Grad Student
Beef or Pork?
Pork, because pigs have big personalities and an even bigger taste.
Do you remember your first Meatwave?
No, my memories are all a blur of meat-fueled debauchery. I think I was at the first one...
What has The Meatwave done for you?
Possibly increased my cholesterol level. That reminds me, I need to schedule my physical with my doctor. But seriously, it lets me hang out with my friends outside on Sunday.
What has been your favorite Meatwave or Meatwave item?
Pulled pork! The Meatmaster and Meatmistress do a really good job with it- it's not too salty or dry. And what's the deal with pulled pork being around all the time now in NYC? When I moved up here in 2002, it was impossible to get a pulled pork sandwich (let alone a good one), and now it's all the rage. What up with that?
What would you like to see (or see more of) at The Meatwave?
More karaoke and more side salads! Possibly curry potato salad.
What are you cooking for The Meatwave?
I like to make tabouli, hummus, and corn salad.
Do you want to share the recipe for that?
Tabouli De MFS
(pronounced Teh-BOO-lee)
you need a food processor for this to do it right
-Bulgar wheat (1.5 cups dry)
-Italian parsley (2 medium-sized bunches)
-Mint (1 medium-sized bunch)
-3 big, soft lemons
-1/2 large white onion
-garlic (3 large cloves or 5 small cloves)
-salt (1 tbsp)
-3 large tomatoes (or 6 plum tomatoes)
-3 kirby cucumbers
-olive oil
1. wash and parsley and mint. Cut off the ends of the stems. put in salad spinner to dry
2. boil 2 cups of water, then add bulgar wheat and a dollop of olive oil. stir, cover and remove from heat.
3. dice tomatoes and cucumbers, and put them in a large mixing bowl
4. once the parsley and mint are dry, put them into the food processor and use the pulse setting to chop them into regular, small (but not fine) bits about the size of a quarter of a dime. put the mint and parsley into the mixing bowl
5. put the half onion and the garlic cloves in the food processor with a drop of olive oil and grind to a paste. add to the mixing bowl.
6. squeeze the lemons (filter out seeds) into the mixing bowl, add salt and 1/4 cup of olive oil. mix well
7. add more salt lemons or crushed garlic to taste.
Favorite Meatwave kitty, black or tabby, and the craziest thing you've seen them eat (or attempt to eat)?
The black cat! She is so much more friendly. I'm impressed every time they eat a bone.
Any parting thoughts about the meat?
I'm still waiting on that guy from Chicago who offered to record "The Meat Is On" to the tune of "The Heat Is On" from Beverly Hills Cop.
Notes from The Meatmaster
I highly recommend the Tabouli De MFS. It seems impossible, but when he made this for Meatup, I found myself getting seconds on tabouli instead of going for the ice cream.
There will definitely be more Karaoke Revolution in The Meatwave future. Curry potato salad sounds like a great idea for a possible Indian themed Meatwave, any suggestions of a name for that one?
Dale is guy who offered to record a theme song for The Meatwave. He runs the Meatstravaganza in Chicago and is a musician. I never took him up on that offer, but maybe it's time I did...
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Emily Hahahaha! Make sure you don't put any cheese on that pulled pork. And when the karaoke arrives, I certainly will.
The Meatmaster Emily: We have karaoke, and lots of it...Mike can just never have enough :)
MFS Hola from Bogotá, the land of many meats. Their name for "meat dish" here is lomito, i.e. "little meat". And I went to a famous, massive steakhouse in the hills called "Andrés Carne De Res", meaning "Andres's Meat of the Beast"
A Coda: I can't believe that I forgot to mention my severe, crippling lactose intolerance in that interview. Well, now you know. Can't handle "la lactosa," never could.
PS- I like the cat counter A LOT.