Stuck on the Southside

So once again I might have left you asking, "Where's the Meat?"
The Meatwave went on a little hiatus as I traveled deep into the heart of Texas to my personal mecca, Southside Market. Once there, the power of Elgin sausage and smoked brisket took hold and I just never left (well, mentally at least). Of lesser importance, I also shot a wedding in the land where the stars shine bright, and the aftermath of that has left me temporarily indisposed back at the homestead. I hope to have things back on track next week with tales of tangy pit beans, smoked short ribs, and a foray into fish.
In the meantime, enjoy a chimichurri-stuffed flank steak with a side of sweet onion salad, and end it with some grilled peaches with fresh raspberry sauce.

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Chris Beautiful photos! Makes my dinner of sausage and mash look pitiful!!