Carne-val 2023

Carne-val is usually my go-all-out cookout bash each summer, but in 2023 it was more so than most years. We tend to be one or two events into the season once Carne-val hits, but this year every attempt to get The Meatwave off the ground was hampered by either rain or other obligations. That made Carne-val a trifecta that sealed its destiny—the first cookout of the year, an occurrence on Memorial Day, and the large menu of slow smoked meats and other grilled goodies.
The first offering of the day were these cherry-jalapeño barbecue wings. I mashed up two of my favorite barbecue sauce recipes to create an even better barbecue sauce that delivered a strong sweet and tangy fruity heat to wings that had dry rub applied before being grilled until crispy. Two whole batches of these were cooked up and totally consumed on this day.
Next up were chili-spiced dry rubbed wings. I really wanted to have ribs on the menu, but I had trouble thinking of any new recipe ideas since my site already goes quite deep on this topic. I was going to just go with a tried-and-true recipe when I had the thought to do another take at forgoing sauce and using a unique rub to come out with yet another new rib recipe. This rub utilized four different dried chiles to layer complex smoky, fruity, spicy, and earthy flavors into ribs that were only dry in name, but were in fact incredibly juicy and delicious.
Brisket had to be on the menu because my supply of beef tallow was almost gone and I needed the fat trimmings to restock. Brisket was once a risky endeavor for me since it's a large investment and didn't alway turn out, but now-a-days it seems like I really have this meat down because each brisket comes out pretty incredible. This may have been one of my finest ones yet, and it got all the better when turned into brisket sandwiches topped with barbecue sauce, queso, onion straws, and pickled jalapeños. I even made a vegetarian option using Impossible patties that was received as highly as the beef version.
The last item I remembered to photograph were grilled cheese and summer squash sandwiches. I hadn't been utilizing the grilling cheese that's readily available at my local Latin market, but was reminded this stuff is pretty good when making a tostada recipe earlier in the spring, leaving me with a desire to do more recipes with it. So the cheese here was actually directly grilled until soft and chewy, before it was topped with grilled yellow squash and zucchini, and then given a dressing of mint chimichurri.
I actually cooked even more for Carne-val, with two pans of mac and cheese getting devoured, plus a full recipe of barbecue beans. There were a lot of great contributions from my friends too, but while I don't have photographic evidence of their menu additions, I did get some snaps of some of the amazing people that made the day so great.
We start at this table with Chris, Kristin, Sandra, Alice, Kaitlin, and Kaitlin's friend who's name I embarrassingly don't remember. After getting all the food grilled up, this is where I sat and took a well deserved break to catch up with many folks I hadn't seen in months.
On the couch we have Kim, Chelsea, and a double does of Christinas. There's also Trixie here taking center stage, but she gets her own close-up later on.
Moving on, we have the regulars of Leslie, Jenny, and Benji getting to chat with new Meatwavers Randi and Anna.
Under the tent is Cody, Ryan, Evan, and Bryan. The canopy's were deployed this day because there was a threat of rain, and we indeed got a couple showers during the afternoon. I had already put off The Meatwave a few times due to rain though and decided that Carne-val was going to be a go, rain or shine.
And I promised you a close-up of Trixie, seen here giving the wide angle lens a good sniff. Trixie got company this time too with another VIP dog guest...
Betty! This was toward the end of the day and Betty looks as exhausted as the rest us were feeling after an afternoon of heavy eating mixed with sangria, beer, and other libations. This turned out to be a Carne-val for the record books with probably close to 40 people showing up to help kick off the 2023 Meatwave season in the best manner possible.