Gifts for the Griller and Meat Lover

Oh happy joy, it's the holidays! What a great time to be a die-hard griller—there's no shortage of great gifts for your friends and family to shower upon you during this season. From the big to small, there's certain to be something to set your griller's heat on fire, even in the dead of winter. I've compiled a short list for the meat lover or griller in your life.
Meat Greeting Cards
Start your gift off right with cards that say "meat" in more ways than one. Really, it's a gift in itself.
$9.99 for 3 cards on Etsy
Welding Gloves
It took me a while to find the perfect gloves for grilling, but these leather welding gloves have been serving me well for a couple years now with no sign of letting up. They would be a welcome addition to any griller's tool set.
$20.49 on Amazon
Piece of Meat Shirt
I inevitably ruin just about every piece of clothing I buy, so I'm always on the hunt for replacement meat-related shirts. I owned this one once—one too many splattering steaks did it in—but I did look pretty good sporting it grill-side.
$10 on Threadless
Pig in the City Prints
I'm a sucker for maps (yes, I'm that type of nerdy too), so I immediately I fell in love when I saw these neighborhood maps encased in a delicious pig! They come in five different breeds: Brooklyn, Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, and San Francisco.
$25 on Etsy
Kansas City BBQ Restaurant Legends Gift Box
I've tried a ton of sauces over the past year, and with lots of ups and downs, I'd be weary of any gift set, but this Kansas City BBQ Restaurant Legends Box hits some high notes with Meatwave favorites like Cowtown and Arthur Bryant's.
$24.99 on Kansas City BBQ Store
Cast Iron Grates
I'm pretty happy with my line-up of grills and accessories now and was thinking about what else I could possibly want. One thing quickly came to mind, cast iron grates. Retaining heat and creating great sear marks, these would be my go-to replacement for the comparably wimpy Weber grates.
$87.90 on Amazon
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Chris Great list. The Craycort cast iron grate systems absofreakinglutely rock.
Michaelangelo Monteleone Cool site! You may also want to check this bad-boy out. Goes will with your grilling and meat adventures.
Josh @Michaelangelo Monteleone Pit Boss looks awesome. Definitely making my holiday list for this year!